Green Business Program
Green is the color of the future.
Program Description
The National City Green Initiative is a collaborative effort among the Chamber, the City of National City, private companies, regional and local partners and the community to guide the city towards sustainable business practices and development.
The Green Business Program encourages and facilitates energy-efficient business practices in the city through education, outreach, networking, marketing, and advocacy. The aim is to increase sustainable business practices by Chamber members and foster an supportive environment for “green” businesses. The Chamber itself is increasingly becoming a one-stop resource for information, education, participation, and marketing tools to promote green businesses.
Participating businesses gain:
- A free energy assessment.
- Installation of up-to-date energy-efficient equipment at no cost/low cost.
- Cost savings through improved efficiency, energy and water.
- Free energy toolkit.
- Free advertising and promotions.
- Community recognition.
- Free workshops and seminars.
Apply Now
Apply today to become part of the Green Business Program by clicking on the link and completing the on-line Application Form.
SDG& E On-Bill Financing Option
When upgrades are extensive, they may require an expense by the individual business. If so, the business may be eligible to pay the costs on time by adding a charge to SDG&E’s monthly bill. For information on SDG&E’s On-Bill Financing Option, please click on the link below.
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